Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Lead vocal - Henley

Guitar 1 - Frey
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Guitars 2 + 3 harmony - Walsh + Felder
Tango Accordion

Bass - Schmit
Guitar harmonics

Vocal harmonies
Choir Aahs

[Verse 1] I got the call to-day, that I did-n't wan-na hear, but I knew that it would come. An old true friend of ours, was talk-ing on the phone, she said you found some-one. And I thought of all the bad luck and the strug-gles we went through. How I-I lost me, and you lost you---. What are these voi-ces, out-side love's op-en door. Make us throw off our con-tent-ment and beg for some-thing mo-re. [Chorus 1] I'm learn-ing to live with-out you- now--, but I miss you some-tim-es. And the more I know, the less I un-der-stand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm lear-ning a-gain. I've been try-ing to- get down to the hear-t of the mat-ter. But my wi-ll gets weak and my th-oughts seem to scat-ter. But I think it's a-bout for-give-ness, for-give-ness. Ev-en if, ev-en if you don't love me an-y-more. [Verse 2] Oh th-ese times are so un-cer-tain, there's a yearn-ing un-de-fin-ed, then peo-ple filled with rage-. We all need a lit-tle ten-der-ness, how can love sur-vive in such a grace-less age. Oh the trust and self as-sur-ance that lead to hap-pi-ness they're the v-e-ry things we kill I guess. Oh pride and com-pe-tition can-not fill these emp-ty arms. And the work I put be-tween us. You know it does-n't keep me warm----. [Chorus 2] I'm learn-ing to live with-out you- now--, but I miss you some-tim-es. And the more I know, the less I un-der-stand. All the things I thought I'd fi-gured out, I have to learn a-gain. I've been try-ing to- get down to the hear-t of the mat-ter. But e-very-thing ch-an-ges and my fr-iends seem to scat-ter. But I think it's a-bout for-give-ness, for-give-ness. Ev-en if, ev-en if you don't love me an-y-more. [Bridge] There are peo-ple in your life-- who-’ve come and gone. They’ll let you down, you know they’ll hurt your pride--. You bet-ter put it all be-hind you ba-by, ‘cause life goes on-. You keep car-ry-ing that an-ger it-’ll eat you up in-si-de ba-by. [Half Chorus] I've been try-ing to- get down to the hear-t of the mat-ter. But my wi-ll gets weak and my th-oughts seem to scat-ter. But I think it's a-bout for-give-ness, for-give-ness. Ev-en if, ev-en if you don't lo-ve me. [Half Chorus] I've been try-ing to- get down to the hear-t of the mat-ter. Be-cause the flesh will get weak and the a--shes will scat-ter. So I'm th-ink-ing a-bout for-give-ness, for-give-ness. Ev-en if, ev-en if you don't love me. [Outro] Eh--. Ba-by---. Mmm----. Ah. Yeah--. Mmm----. Ev-en if, you don't love me a-ny-more.